Garba = Navratri is a Hindu festival of worship and is done in the spirit.
In Sanskrit and Gujarati, Navratri - nine means nine and night means literally nine nights. During these nine nights and ten days, nine forms of Shakti / Devi are worshiped.
In Sanskrit and Gujarati, Navratri - nine means nine and night means literally nine nights. During these nine nights and ten days, nine forms of Shakti / Devi are worshiped.

The nine forms are as follows.
First day: Shaileputri
Another day - Brahmacharini
Third Day - Moon Hours
Fourth day - Kushmanda
Fifth day- Skanda mother
Sixth day - Katanya
The seventh day - Calatri
Eighth Day - Mahagouri
Ninth Day - Achievement
The worship of the goddess is based on the tradition of the region. In many places these forms are worshiped.
• Durga, what is inaccessible
• Bhadrakali
• Amba or Jagdamba, Visvamata
• Annapurna, which stores a large amount of grain (the food is used intentionally).
• Sarvamangala, the one who gives happiness to all (everyone).
• Bhairavi
• Chandrika or Chandi
• Lalita
• Building
• Mokambika
Nine days from Chaitri Pratipada (unit) to Nom or from Aso Masti Pratipada to Nom; Otherwise. These days, the Hindu people perform nine Durga vows, ablutions and worship. Hindus perform Navratri on the first day and worship and worship the Goddess. The puja lasts for nine days. On the ninth day, Bhagwati is dissolved. Some people also fast in Navratra. On the eighth or the nom. The meal consists of nine virgins between the ages of two and ten. These virgins also have fabulous names. Namely, Virgo, Trimurti, Kalyani, Rohini, Kali, Chandika, Shambhavi, Durga and Subhadra. It is also a statement to observe Durga from one of the nine Durgas in Navratra regularly.
Do you know? Navratri falls four times a year in Hinduism
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